Powershell command:
> kill -name chrome
To remove seconds in pyspark sql in notebook:
date_trunc('day', current_timestamp) as DateTimeWithZeroHoursMinutes
date_trunc('minute', current_timestamp) as DateTimeWithZeroSeconds,
date_trunc('second', current_timestamp) as DateTimeWithZeroMilliseconds,
date_format(current_timestamp, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm") as DateWithNoSeconds
In databricks notebook, following are the way 2 ways to access the folder (example folder name: mnt):
To Setup Cluster from datafactory job -
If you exploding and got above error then it means you dont need to explode it as it is not type array or map.
You can simply access values as:
df_expanded = df.withColumn("prop1", expr("mycol.prop1"))
Hello -
The answer is NO.
These are 2 different banks -
HBL Iban starts as: PK HABB
Bank AL Habib Iban start as: PK BAHL