Monday, July 29, 2013

Convert nvarchar to int in SQL

If your table has nvarchar column and there is integer data in this column , then inserting that data into int column type is not a problem.
But if data is float, then the data need to be converted to float datatype before cast to int to insert into int column type.

SELECT SUM(CAST(amount AS INT)),  title   FROM books GROUP BY title
...will give you:
Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '4500.00' to data type int.

Correct way

4500.00 is not integer so CAST via float first
sum(CAST(CAST(amount AS float) AS INT))

Why float?
  • no idea of precision or scale across all rows
  • empty string will cast to zero for float, fails on decimal
  • float accepts stuff like 7E-02, fails on decimal 


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